Your vote counts more than ever!

The Consolidated Election takes place on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.

Make sure you’re registered to vote! The easiest way to register is online. You may register online until Sunday, March 16 — but to be safe, please consider completing the process by Friday, March 14. The last day to mail in your application for voter registration is March 4, 2025. You are allowed in-person voter registration up to and including Election Day.

Applications for voting by mail are available now! The last day your vote by mail application will be accepted is Thursday, March 27. Once you have your ballot, you can mail it in beginning Thursday, February 20. It must be postmarked no later than April 1 (that’s Election Day) and must be received within 14 days of the election.


Early voting begins on Thursday, February 20 and ends Monday, March 31. The County Clerk has provided no further information at this time. For updates, call the County Clerk’s office at 815-434-8201.


Got questions about your voting rights? The Illinois ACLU has the information you need! You can read it online or download a handy little card to keep with you.

Have more questions? The Democratic Party of Illinois has compiled a detailed list of all the important rules, requirements and dates for registration and voting.